Coconut Oil Reverses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Clarence –
January 14, 2015


I am not raising money or selling anything. I have ALS and want to share things that have helped me.


I think it’s important you know my philosophy before reading on. A wise man (my father) would always say to me when something was broken; “Fix it with what’s available to you! What do you have to lose by trying?”

That’s how I see my ALS. I have a choice. I can sit and wait for others, such as medical/research groups, to find a way to fix my problem, which hasn’t happened. Or, I can try with what is available to me.

That’s what I have chosen to do: to TRY! Fortunately, I’ve experienced improvements. Maybe the improvements are only 10% to 20%, but that’s more than I had before. I believe I can still get more, but it won’t happen unless I keep trying! If you feel that way too, please read on.

Basic Data

I am 62 with FALS (Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis); inherited from my mother who died in 1987, about 8 years after its onset. I began showing signs in early 2007, and was officially diagnosed with FALS in September, 2008.

Because I believed there was nothing I could do to change the outcome, I just sat down to wait for the end. Then in late 2009 I read some things that caused me to think, “Dad was right, what do I have to lose by trying something outside the box!”

I’ve been taking magnesium chloride/water mixture since September 15th of 2009. I currently take 4 ounces per day (2 in the morning and 2 in the evening). I also started taking coconut oil on October 31, 2009. I started with 4 tbsp. per day the first month. I then went to 6 the second month, and upped it to 8 the third month. One coconut oil webpage said 4 tbsp. per day was for “NORMAL” people. I didn’t think with ALS I was normal. I now take 9 tbsp. per day (3 at each meal mixed into my food.) This is the only way I can take it. Straight causes me throat problems!

After reviewing another coconut oil webpage I started massaging coconut oil on my bad leg twice a day. The result from December 16, 2010 to January 31, 2011 was a 3/8” thigh circumference increase and improved strength. This was surprising so I am now massaging the entire leg, ankle and foot, focusing on any sore spots.

Following are specific details.

A. Before Taking Coconut Oil and Magnesium Chloride: (Nov. 4, 2009)

Difficulty walking due to weakness in right leg; had to use canes to walk.
Right leg felt asleep and non-responsive when walking or trying to move it.
Right thigh muscles shrunken so bones could be easily felt through muscles on underside.
Had “drop-foot”. Could not tip right foot up or down, nor pivot it side to side as much as left.
When sitting could not raise right thigh off the chair.
Extreme difficulty putting right shoe on.
Right ankle very purple and bruised almost all the way around it.
When lying face down on stomach with legs outstretched; unable to raise my right foot.
Extreme difficulty rolling over in bed because right leg could not move on its own.
Right leg could not push downward at all.
Very thick saliva at night.
Excessive yawning.
Nearly constant muscle vibrations in entire right leg; some in left leg and upper right arm.
Cannot walk on toes of right foot.

B. Changes Since Taking Coconut Oil and Magnesium Chloride Daily: (January 28, 2011)

Right leg and foot have same feelings as left.
Increased strength and size in front muscles of right thigh but still weakness in buttocks, back thigh muscles, and muscles affecting knee.
Left leg strength and size increased.
Can stand on right leg a little longer because it has gained strength.
Can move right foot and toes up and down, and tap foot to music.
Can pivot right foot inward and outward some.
When sitting; can pull right foot backwards, although not yet as far as the left.
When sitting; able to raise right thigh upward to put on pants.
Less difficulty putting right foot into a shoe.
Bruised appearance of right ankle almost gone.
When lying face down on stomach with legs outstretched; can begin to raise my right foot.
Normal yawning.
Can roll over in bed with minimum difficulty.
Can push downward with right leg.
Muscle vibrations in legs and right arm only happen occasionally and only during the day.
Still have slight twitching in right thigh and buttocks. (Hopefully it’s muscles waking up).


Thus far my ALS progression is much slower than my mother’s. For both of us the first muscles to be affected were the ones that allow you to run (buttocks, thigh, and knee muscles, etc.). At this time some of these muscles are still not responsive. The reason could be because the nerve cells are slow to wake up from their 2+ years of sleep!

I have had positive improvements from adding coconut oil and magnesium chloride to my diet. It’s the only change I’ve made. I believe the coconut oil and magnesium chloride has slowed, and partially reversed the progression of my ALS. Therefore, I plan to keep going on the diet. I also plan to continue massaging my right leg with coconut oil, and tracking my changes, good or not so good, monthly to see what happens! What do I have to lose?

NOTE: Although some information out there says coconut oil increases cholesterol levels, my January 2011 blood test levels were very good.

Update 2012

According to my doctors my annual EMG on March 6th 2012 showed no changes from last year. They said the progression had either stopped or was almost stopped, and that I should keep doing what I’ve been doing!

Since taking these things I’ve had enough positive changes that my doctors are confused, because they know there is supposedly nothing that helps people with ALS. Now they say I have “a form of ALS called Benign Monomelic Amyotrophy.” So I asked them if there was anything to help people with that disease, and they said NO. Then I asked “Why have some of my muscles gotten larger and stronger?” THEY HAVE NO ANSWER! All they say now is “keep doing whatever you’re doing.” So I am!!! I no longer have a drop-foot, no muscle cramps, etc. However, some of the first muscles to go have not responded yet, but I’m not giving up on them.

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The Wahls Diet

Terry suggests eating the following organically grown produce and meats, everyday.



3 cups of green leaves (Provides minerals, vitamins B, A, C, and K)

  • Lettuce, watercress, kale, cooked greens, parsley, etc

3 cups of sulphur rich vegetables (Rich in sulphur)

  • Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Turnips, Kale
  • Raw onions, leaks, chives, mushrooms, asparagus, garlic

3 cups of bright colour food (Flavonoids and polyphenols)

  • Beets, carrots, red cabbage, peppers
  • Berries and brightly colour fruits

Grass feed meat or wild fish (Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

  • Salmon, hearing, sardines, mackerel, tuna, cod, flounder, grouper, green- shell mussels
  • Grass feed meat

Organ meat

Keep your eyes peeled for her book –  The Wahls Protocol

My personal regimen

Admittedly, the following regimen is quite a mouth full, which, if you’re thinking about giving it a go, will take a little getting use to.  So remember, take it slow!  Too much too quickly can overload your body and quite possibly, push your will-power to its limits.


The following regimen is based on Steven Shackles personal experimentation over a 10 year period. This is my own personal version.

First thing in the morning:

2 Glasses of water first thing in the morning, to rehydrate the body.
– For more information about water intake, click here.

1x Ultra B
1x Zinc
1x 500 mg Slow Release Vitamin C
1x OPC
1x CoQ10
2x Teaspoons of Black Elderberry
2x Teaspoons of Flaxseed oil on toast (cold spun)


1 Glass of water 30 min before eating, to aid digestion.
2x Milk Thistle
1x Burdock
1x Garlic
1x Ginger
2x Teaspoons of Flaxseed oil on toast (cold spun)


1 Glass of water 30 min before eating, to aid digestion.
2x Milk Thistle
1x Burdock
1x Garlic
1x Ginger

Before Bed

1 Glass of water (with half an aspirin)
1x OPC
1x CoQ10
2x Teaspoons of Black Elderberry
1x 500 mg Slow Release Vitamin C
1x Magnesium

Do I fall off the waggon every now and then?  Yes, of course I do!  But when I realise I’ve missed a couple days of supplements or I’ve over indulged in the wrong foods or alcohol… I simply re-boot, and start over.

Steven Shackles Dietary Supplement Regime

For over a decade, Steven Shackles experimented with various medications, supplements, and herbs to treat the symptoms of ALS/MND. Steven tailored his supplements to meet his personal needs and stresses that his personal regimen may not work for everyone.

All the supplements listed below were kindly supplied by Nature’s Sunshine. Please note that some of the products, eg OPC are no longer available from Nature’s Sunshine and should be sourced from elsewhere.

In order of importance:

700mg Silymarin/St Mary’s Thistle – 2 x 175mg tablets, twice daily
1400mg Burdock Root (Arctium lappa) – 2 x 350mg capsules, twice daily
100mg OPC (Grape Seed), 1 x 50mg capsules, twice daily
High Potency B complex, once daily
Zinc complex tablet, 1 tablet or capsule daily
2000mg slow release Vitamine C – 1000mg tablet, twice daily
6000mg Flax Seed Oil (approx 2 teaspoons flax oil) – 3 x 1000mg gel caps or one teaspoon, twice daily
1000mg garlic – 1 x 500mg capsule, twice daily
1000mg ginger – 1 x 500mg capsule, twice daily
4 litres/8 pints filtered water daily

Daily stretching, joint mobility exercises and walking – but not excessive.